02 Jun

All established and growing business today were once a startup. All of them once needed a venture capital fund in Singapore to get off the ground. If you are someone who wants to consider raising funds through venture capital firms, here are everything you should know:

Pros of Venture Capital Fund

  1. Invaluable Experience and Expertise

As a startup business owner, receiving business consultation is an invaluable opportunity because the information you get helps you and your business grow.

  1. Continuous Support

All venture capital firms in Singapore always make sure to provide proactive supports, especially in critical business areas such as human resources, taxes, and most importantly, legal compliance.

  1. Network Development

What is great about having them is that you have a better chance of building strong business relationships whereas, you can recruit skilled professionals, collaborate with other business, and promote your business.   

Cons of Venture Capital Fund

  1. Always Under Microscope

Unfortunately, you’ll need their approval before you can get a venture capital fund in Singapore to take your business in a new direction. 

  1. Loss of Authority

It only depends on how much ownership you give away, so as much as possible take control of your business. Manage it wisely. 

  1. Add Stress

Sometimes, having too many eyes watching makes you feel pressured to do something good and big so you can meet and satisfy their expectations. 

When to Seek a Venture Capital

Every business owner has different reasons why they seek venture capital for their business in Singapore. To further convince you to need one, here are some signs that it’s time to get venture capital:

  • You want to expedite your business’ growth

  • Your business meets all the requirements a venture capital firm wants.

  • You’re comfortable handling your business under someone else’ supervision. 

Are you looking for reliable venture capital firms in Singapore? Check out, Golden Equator Ventures. They offer excellent venture capital packages for tech startups. Visit their website to get to know more about their venture funds!



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